Burger, 5103 Möriken

Burger, 5103 Möriken
The two NIBE F2120-20 + F2120-16 air/water heat pumps provide the necessary heat and hot water all year round. The NIBE control system (SMO S40) leaves nothing to be desired with its integrated WLAN, Smartguide, remote maintenance tool and weather forecast. The complete heating group can be controlled in an extremely user-friendly way; you always have an overview on your cell phone or tablet. The Easytronic XV 20 log heating system is used as a backup in the cold winter months and manages the storage tank of
1500 l.
area of application
Heat generation and water heating for the two-family house built in 1795
Storage tank and heating distribution could be installed in the previous oil tank room.
Outside air + lump wood half meter chillers
This combination allows you to enjoy flexibility and forest work at the same time
September 2020