Kirchzelg Works Yard, 5430 Wettingen

At the Werkhof in Wettingen, the existing Schmid woodchip heating system had to be replaced due to its age. Convinced by the Schmid product, the decision was made in favor of the new UTSD. Since the existing Schmid moving floor and the collecting screw were still perfectly intact, the cost of the conveying system to the boiler was kept to a minimum.
area of application
Heat generation and hot water production for the workshop, offices and an apartment.
Although the boiler room is very narrow, the new boiler with automatic ash removal and the additional fine dust separator could be installed in the existing rooms. The chip silo can be filled practically via the floor gates.
Wood chips
Thanks to the integrated vacuum control in the UTSD, the induced draft fan could be mounted directly at the filter. This eliminated the usual costs for a separate vacuum control.
September 2019