Holmen Skog AB, SE-Gideå
Holmen Skog AB, SE-Gideå
General information
Holmen Skog AB is a business unit within the Holmen Group and is responsible for forest management and procurement of wood for the company's Swedish sawmills and paper and board mills. The project was awarded to Bioptima AB, Schmid's distribution partner, and includes the heating plant, storage tanks, fuel storage, boiler, district heating piping, aero-tempers in the greenhouses, and connection to surrounding buildings. Since the beginning of 2020, a UTSR-3200 visio moving grate furnace has been in operation in the nursery. The boiler has a peak output of 3.2 MW, but can also be operated with low loads of only 50 to 100 kW output.
area of application
Greenhouse heating
dry sawmill waste material (M 10 %)
wet wood chips (M 50 %)
fresh forest chips (M 55 - 60 %)
type of combustion system
Moving grate furnace
UTSR-3200 visio
Capacity Total
3.2 MW
Silo discharge
Moving floor discharge
Filter in use? Which one?
Multicyclone / electrostatic precipitator
In operation sincef
February 2020