Parish hall, 3067 Vechigen

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In a boiler room, on the left, there is a pellet heating system of the product type UTSD including an ash container, and on the right, the installed heat distribution system with the storage tank is visible.

A UTSD pellet furnace with an output of 80 kW, replaces two old oil-fired heating systems and supplies the parish house and, via a long-distance line, the rectory with thermal energy. The plant and four heating circuits are controlled by Schmid's AC3 control system.

area of application
Heat generation and hot water production for the parish house as well as for the neighboring rectory.

Boiler, ash container, heat distribution and storage tank were brought in the existing boiler room. The adjacent room was converted into a pellet store with a capacity of 19.6 m³.


Due to its size, the 2,500 l storage tank was installed in two parts and space-welded.

November 2019