Camille Bloch Chocolaterie Suisse
Sustainability to our taste
In the winter of 2013, when the planning work for the renovation of the gymnasium in Courtelary BE got underway, local companies lobbied for the option of woodchip heating to be examined as well.
As a result, the company Allotherm prepared a study. This showed that a somewhat larger district heating system powered by wood could produce heat at quite competitive costs.
Decision for wood energy
The study fulfilled its purpose and triggered the desired discussions and decision-making processes. At the municipal assembly in the fall of 2014, the residents of Courtelary decided to connect all municipal properties to the heating network. The plant went into operation in August 2015. The owner and operator of the plant is "La Praye Energie SA", which also procures the energy wood. Companies from the region were mainly responsible for the construction of the heating center and the long-distance pipeline network. Another fuel supplier is the Burgergemeinde Courtelary. Thanks to the new plant, it has
the new plant, it has finally found a sensible outlet for the large quantities of wood from forest maintenance.
2'400 kW power
The heating center was expanded in two stages. In 2015, the first wood chip furnace went into operation, and a year later the second wood boiler was installed. In the
In the final stage, the above-ground heating center houses two Schmid wood-fired boilers, each with an output of 1,200 kW, a fine dust filter, and a 40 m3 energy storage tank. The plant is thus equipped with a total output of 2,400 kW. The annual demand for wood chips is 7,800 Sm3 and can be met one hundred percent with local wood.
wood. It saves 600'000 liters of fuel oil and 1'580 tons of CO2 per year. Customers are supplied with energy for heating and hot water via the approximately 2,300 meter long long long-distance pipelines.
"Chocolats Camille Bloch SA" is the largest consumer of heat.
Commercial buildings and various single- and multi-family homes are connected to the new heating network. The largest heat consumer is "Chocolats Camille Bloch SA", known for its cult brands "Ragusa" and "Torino". The family-owned company, which is rich in tradition and based in Courtelary, is now run by the third generation of Daniel
Bloch. Sustainable corporate management in the economic, social and ecological fields is one of the core values of the chocolate pioneer.
The connection to district heating fits perfectly with the company philosophy.
The essentials in brief
area of application
District heating
Wood chips
type of combustion system
Feed grate furnace UTSR-1200.32
Total capacity
2400 kW
Moving floor
Exhaust gas dedusting
electrostatic precipitator Master
September 2015 /2016
CO2 substitution
1'580 tons per year
Savings heating oil
600'000 liters per year
Owner / Operator
La Praye Energie SA, CH-2608 Courtelary
Allotherm AG, CH-3645 Gwatt